(NOTE: This is a copy of the recent post on my political blog, http://ephratbreeze.blog.com/. I only add it here because it is that important.)
Last week I mentioned a meeting that our peaceful, democratically inclined neighbors held in Khartoum, Sudan. My exact words were:
“Certain intelligence sources report that the above “heroic act” was the first result from a secret Iranian funded meeting of Muslim Brotherhood heads in Khartoum, Sudan last week. According to these sources, Hamas, an offshoot of the brotherhood, is to launch a series of these attacks to ignite a third intifada. Brotherhood leaders attended from Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Jordan and Great Britain.”
Today’s news headlines in Israel include the following:
• A woman was killed, 30 injured, in bomb blast at central Jerusalem 74 bus stop opposite Binyanei Haooma Wednesday afternoon.
• Hamas keeps up pressure. Fired five mortar shells into southern Ashkelon after Jerusalem bombing
• Second Grad missile from Gaza explodes in Beersheba earlier Wednesday
• Seven more mortar rounds against Eshkol and Shear Hanegev
• Beersheba schools and university ordered closed after Grad injured 5 people, damaged property
• Two more exploded in Ashkelon and south of Ashdod Tuesday night, several mortar rounds
• Palestinian barrage from the Gaza Strip has been non-stop for 11 days
Now just what is it that Hillary and Zippy are telling us about the peaceful muslim brotherhood that we’re supposed to believe?
We’re OK here in Efrat, for now.
That last post also mentioned “Hidden Miracles.” They are all around us, if we only open our eyes and look.
Of course, many people prefer to believe that every unexplained happening is a coincidence. These are the same people who deny the possibility of a Divine Creator of the world; it all came together as a result of “evolution,” “accidents,” “primordial soup,” or whatever. After all, to believe in a Divine Creator might require me to believe in things like good and evil, instead of moral relativism and such.
But I digress. Sunday and Monday of this week were the Jewish holidays of Purim and Shushan Purim (in Jerusalem). Last week Irma went into Jerusalem, shopping with a friend. They agreed to go again this week, today. As a result of losing two normal weekdays, Irma forgot that today was Wednesday. She didn’t get to go to Jerusalem today and ride (like last week) the #74 bus that was involved in the terrorist bombing. Was this another hidden miracle from Purim, or a coincidence? We are grateful to our Creator for blessing us with another miracle.
Meanwhile, friends, as we here in Israel continue to be attacked by are “peace-loving” neighbors, we ask for your prayers; prayers to the Creator of the world, or prayers to the gatekeeper of coincidences. We are confident that He, in His mercy and Wisdom, will sort them out and give credit to both sets of prayers.
Also, thanks to all of you who support ARMDI and MDA, our emergency medical and ambulance services.
Happy Trails, Y’All
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